When you’re feeling under the weather, maintaining your oral health can easily slip off your radar. However, sticking to your dental care routine is crucial, even when you’re battling a cold or the flu. At Brammeier Family Dental, we understand that staying healthy includes keeping up with your oral hygiene. Here are some practical tips to help you care for your teeth and gums while you’re sick, ensuring you’re on the path to recovery.
Brush After Each Meal
While you’re unwell, it’s vital to brush your teeth shortly after each meal. Illness can make your mouth a breeding ground for bacteria. By brushing diligently, you help reduce the spread of germs and protect your teeth from potential decay. Aim to brush twice a day, or more often if you can, to keep your mouth as clean as possible.
Choose Your Cough Drops and Lozenges Wisely
Many cough drops and throat lozenges are packed with sugar, which can contribute to tooth decay. These sugary treats can be as damaging as candy, especially if they linger in your mouth. Opt for sugar-free cough drops or lozenges that do not contain corn syrup or fructose. This small change can make a significant difference in your oral health.
Rinse Your Mouth Properly
If you’re experiencing vomiting, it’s crucial to rinse your mouth immediately afterward. Stomach acids can erode your enamel, but brushing your teeth right away can spread these acids around, causing more damage. Instead, rinse with water or a mouthwash and wait at least 20 minutes before brushing to allow your enamel to recover.
Stay Hydrated
Keeping hydrated is essential for your recovery and for maintaining good oral health. Drinking plenty of water helps prevent dry mouth, which can lead to tooth decay and bad breath. Medications for cold and flu symptoms can contribute to dry mouth, so continue drinking water throughout the day to keep your mouth moist and healthy.
Replace Your Toothbrush
Once you’re feeling better, consider replacing your toothbrush. While it’s unlikely you’ll get sick from the same brush again, it’s a good practice to swap out your brush regularly. The American Dental Association recommends changing your toothbrush every three to four months for optimal oral hygiene.
Even when you’re sick, keeping up with your oral care is important. Monitor the sugar content in your cough drops and stay hydrated to avoid dry mouth. Good oral health supports overall well-being and can aid in a quicker recovery.
For more tips on maintaining your oral health or to schedule an appointment with your local dentist in Lisle, contact Brammeier Family Dental today. We’re here to help you stay healthy, inside and out!